
Why does my boss take me for granted?

Quick backstory:- About a year ago I joined this company, It was my first job, and the pay was not good but I needed a job then and worked hard for a couple of months and learned so much there and after 7 to 8 when the company decided to expand they make me a team lead and the CEO says we will talk about appraisal shortly, remember I haven't asked for the appraisal and I was happy at least they are noticing my hard work. The company got a huge client my team and I worked hard at that time. I worked for a month straight without any weekends off. After that, I noticed my boss ignoring conversations with me and when I asked for the appraisal CEO said You have just spent 9 months with the company, and your appraisal will be done after you have worked here…

Quick backstory:- About a year ago I joined this company, It was my first job, and the pay was not good but I needed a job then and worked hard for a couple of months and learned so much there and after 7 to 8 when the company decided to expand they make me a team lead and the CEO says we will talk about appraisal shortly, remember I haven't asked for the appraisal and I was happy at least they are noticing my hard work. The company got a huge client my team and I worked hard at that time. I worked for a month straight without any weekends off. After that, I noticed my boss ignoring conversations with me and when I asked for the appraisal CEO said You have just spent 9 months with the company, and your appraisal will be done after you have worked here for a year. I was very disappointed and after 3 months I got an appraisal of about 20% which was much less than what I had expected and when I complained about that they said you know the company is going through expansion and we don't have much budget but trust us you will grow very fast.
Rant:- What the fu*k They mean you will grow, They are only increasing my workload but my financial growth they don't care about. They are hiring some fresher in another department and I got to know that they are offering him more than me, I know it is a different section but they don't care about how hard I have been working for a year. Now the funny thing is they know they need me without me the whole team will crumble but they are still doing this to me. I guess they know I need the job and nowhere to go
I am trying hard to get into IT and working hard to up skill and resign from this job and then they will understand my value.

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