
Why does no one blame the falling birthdates on the destruction of the middle class?

There’s so many articles talking about how the birth rates across the globe are declining rapidly, and that it is already causing crisis’ across the globe in countries like China and Japan. They reference charts like the one linked above, and go, “Well, it’s because of more women being in the workforce, more women being educated, and the rise of income and fertility prevention treatments.” But no. Women had been a regular part of the work force before the steady decline of births, women were always being educated, and incomes have not been rising. But do you know what steady incline beginning in the 1970’s has also correlated with the steady decline of birth rates starting in the 1970’s? That’s right! The amount of labour production that has gone up while wages remained stagnated! What these people refuse to tell you is that the declining birthrates is a direct result…

There’s so many articles talking about how the birth rates across the globe are declining rapidly, and that it is already causing crisis’ across the globe in countries like China and Japan.

They reference charts like the one linked above, and go, “Well, it’s because of more women being in the workforce, more women being educated, and the rise of income and fertility prevention treatments.”

But no. Women had been a regular part of the work force before the steady decline of births, women were always being educated, and incomes have not been rising.

But do you know what steady incline beginning in the 1970’s has also correlated with the steady decline of birth rates starting in the 1970’s?

That’s right! The amount of labour production that has gone up while wages remained stagnated!

What these people refuse to tell you is that the declining birthrates is a direct result of the slow erosion of the middle class and the American dream. Because people can’t afford to have and take care of babies in an economy that does not make it financially feasible for most people to even have children.

That’s the real cause of falling birthrates no news source is willing to talk about. Because the moment they admit that’s the real problem, it’s the moment people start demanding for the middle class to return to dominance. And the ruling elite don’t want that.

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