
Why does “taking time off” have to include “doing something huge” like travel? Or catching up on important stuff, but you can’t use it to relax?

I have no idea why my parents especially seem to be wired this way. I told them I was going on a trip for a week. Spending some of it with the girlfriend and the rest relaxing. When I told them I was spending the rest relaxing they just kind of gave me the side eye. I told my coworkers I was taking time off and their reaction was “Oh cool what's going on?” (asking if there's an event I'm going to) then seem disappointed when I said “Oh I'm not going to do much”. Like I'm sorry I'm taking time off to give my mental health a HUGE break. Sometimes taking time off to go on a big trip just adds more anxiety and stress. You want the trip to go so well that even if something does go wrong for even ONE day it kills my mental health.…

I have no idea why my parents especially seem to be wired this way. I told them I was going on a trip for a week. Spending some of it with the girlfriend and the rest relaxing. When I told them I was spending the rest relaxing they just kind of gave me the side eye. I told my coworkers I was taking time off and their reaction was “Oh cool what's going on?” (asking if there's an event I'm going to) then seem disappointed when I said “Oh I'm not going to do much”. Like I'm sorry I'm taking time off to give my mental health a HUGE break. Sometimes taking time off to go on a big trip just adds more anxiety and stress. You want the trip to go so well that even if something does go wrong for even ONE day it kills my mental health. Even if it wasn't my fault I instantly go “Oh great well this was a waste”, “can't believe that ruined the trip”, “I'll never plan a trip like this again”, etc. So I'm sorry if using most of my time off to “relax” isn't the “best way” to use my time off, but for my own sake and sanity I need it!

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