I am livid at the response i received from my Deputy Manager for being unable to work today. Can i help having an inflamed throat, fever, cough and migraine? NO. Yet she still said i didn’t give “enough notice” (over an hour before my shift started) and saying “Now i need to find a full day cover for you!” because another massage therapist is sick too. Well i wonder why??? there’s a flu going around that i contracted from my co-workers, family AND clients!! don’t get me started about them coughing through a full body massage in an enclosed space! This corporation “well-ness spa” they like to advertise, makes you sick! They would rather have you coming in, spreading things around, or having sick people come in and making you feel awful. Add that with 6 hours of treatments is disgusting!! At the end it’s all about money for them, which i get but they just book to many clients in and not enough backup. FUCK. THEM.
(please comment down below i’m not the only one who feels like this, right?)
EDIT: thank you all SO much for your replies so far <3 it means a lot to hear your views and your stories, it’s opened my mind to look at more opportunities/alternatives that’ll better invest for the future. some info, I work Part-Time, 10-4 and in a very busy corporate spa hotel. had to drop down a day because i was contracting colds and the flu (incl. Covid) every month from clients and Christmas was booked solid which has damaged my shoulders and muscles. and i was on mental health medication just to keep me sane but again so grateful to speak and to read your opinions and advice. bless you beautiful people️