
Why is it so hard to find a decent job?

I found a job, finally. But I applied to over 150 places on Indeed alone, that doesn’t include phone calls, walk in’s and referrals. I noticed a few things some of these companies have done and can hopefully help of you’re in the same boat. My resume is not special by any means, but it’s damn good and good enough to get me in the door. 1) Pay and roll/title are inaccurate – You should be following up with a phone call when you apply somewhere anyways. I don’t wait, as soon as I apply I call and let them know that I applied through indeed (or whatever platform) so they know to look. When I got a phone call back I would verify the position and pay before scheduling an interview. I went through too many interviews where the information posted wasn’t correct. Don’t waste yours or their time,…

I found a job, finally. But I applied to over 150 places on Indeed alone, that doesn’t include phone calls, walk in’s and referrals. I noticed a few things some of these companies have done and can hopefully help of you’re in the same boat. My resume is not special by any means, but it’s damn good and good enough to get me in the door.

1) Pay and roll/title are inaccurate – You should be following up with a phone call when you apply somewhere anyways. I don’t wait, as soon as I apply I call and let them know that I applied through indeed (or whatever platform) so they know to look. When I got a phone call back I would verify the position and pay before scheduling an interview. I went through too many interviews where the information posted wasn’t correct. Don’t waste yours or their time, make sure the roll and pay you interview for are what is posted. My response to any questioning of that was “I’m positive of the pay and responsibilities, I would not have even applied otherwise.”

2) No pay posted – Red flag for me. You should be able to openly talk about the and what is expected, not posting makes me feel like they’re not being transparent.

3) Length of time job has been posted – If a job has been posted 30+ days, don’t bother. A few things can cause this but I never heard back from anyone, or the position was closed.

4) “We’re family” – RUN! All that means (especially with a small business) is that there is an inner circle and you won’t be in it for a very long time (if ever at all). I’ve worked at two places and had a bad experience at both. Not saying it won’t work for you, just saying my experience.

5) Hiring timeline too long – If a company wants to hire you, they know it and will not be shy about letting you know it. They will move fast and get things done quickly. Go where you’re wanted.

6) Jumping through hoops – I understand there is a process for companies to hire, but don’t jump though hoops. MAX 2-3 interviews, and DO NOT do a “working interview,” or “shadowing.” Ask if you’ll be paid for the work. Either it going towards your first check or paid on the day.

It took me hundreds of applications, countless phone calls and a bunch of interviews that didn’t pan out, by my choice or theirs. Be consistent, be firm in what you want, don’t be afraid to ask questions or for what want, worst they can say is no. Indeed (or any platform) is not going to do it all, most companies aren’t familiar enough with tech (idk how or why in 2023). Do you research and get what you deserve. SOMETIMES you gotta bite the bullet and do what you gotta do, but do not EVER let anyone take advantage of you.

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