
Why is my ex-boss stalking me on LinkedIn?

I quit my previous position around eight months ago. Since then, my former boss has been viewing my LinkedIn profile with increasing frequency. I don’t pay for premium; they just creep my profile so often it has started showing me every time they view, the last time only four hours ago today. I left on meh terms, not bad but not great. My boss was a super douche and I let them know that when I left, but I was there for years and put my heart and soul into that company and I think that was realized, unfortunately after the fact. Are they praying on my downfall? Or hoping to cause it? Waiting to see if I’ll come crawling back? What good would come from looking at former employees’ LI profiles every week for almost a year after they’ve left?

I quit my previous position around eight months ago. Since then, my former boss has been viewing my LinkedIn profile with increasing frequency. I don’t pay for premium; they just creep my profile so often it has started showing me every time they view, the last time only four hours ago today.

I left on meh terms, not bad but not great. My boss was a super douche and I let them know that when I left, but I was there for years and put my heart and soul into that company and I think that was realized, unfortunately after the fact.

Are they praying on my downfall? Or hoping to cause it? Waiting to see if I’ll come crawling back? What good would come from looking at former employees’ LI profiles every week for almost a year after they’ve left?

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