
Why is my supervisor printing off my leave request emails?

I am so freaking tired and done with my job being stupidly inflexible. I have a cushy office job but it's low-level and I have a boomer supervisor who believes that you should come to work worthlessly sick and eat lunch at your desk every day while working (we get an hour of paid lunch and you have to take it- you don't get out an hour early for working through lunch). I've had a lot of appointments lately, a lot of them have been every week but I have to go to them. I've given as much notice as is humanely possible and my supervisor had been OK about it. But now she's getting really ridged. She's taking issue with me taking my two 15 min breaks every day (the idea that I'd just leave my desk for this blows her stupid little mind) and is just generally becoming…

I am so freaking tired and done with my job being stupidly inflexible. I have a cushy office job but it's low-level and I have a boomer supervisor who believes that you should come to work worthlessly sick and eat lunch at your desk every day while working (we get an hour of paid lunch and you have to take it- you don't get out an hour early for working through lunch).

I've had a lot of appointments lately, a lot of them have been every week but I have to go to them. I've given as much notice as is humanely possible and my supervisor had been OK about it. But now she's getting really ridged. She's taking issue with me taking my two 15 min breaks every day (the idea that I'd just leave my desk for this blows her stupid little mind) and is just generally becoming increasingly inflexible with me. Even though it's MY benefit time. She wants me AT my desk. Period.

Today I noticed that she had printed off one of my most recent emails asking to take off work an hour early. She has OK'd it. It's not annual review time. Does anyone have any idea why she'd be printing off my leave request emails? She acted really weird about it, like she didn't want me to see it. I've been employed there over a year. Any thoughts?

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