
Why Keep Working With Debt?

I make decent enough money. Working 2 jobs, I make about $1k a week, in a pretty high CoL area. Not extravagant by any means, but I make enough to get by. Or, at least, I would make enough, if not for debt. Medical, student loan, credit card (that's the worst; my credit card has been basically maxed because I was stupid at 19. I'm nearing 30 now). All of it. It's overwhelming. I already pay 2k in rent. I already pay exorbitant prices for food and gas. I pay for insurance and a billion other little things. But debt? Well, there is a quarter of my paycheck, blasted, and once it starts, it only gets worse. I try to pay it down but, oops, there's another medical debt tacked on. Or oops, there is something else I have to charge because I don't have any money to actually pay.…

I make decent enough money. Working 2 jobs, I make about $1k a week, in a pretty high CoL area. Not extravagant by any means, but I make enough to get by. Or, at least, I would make enough, if not for debt. Medical, student loan, credit card (that's the worst; my credit card has been basically maxed because I was stupid at 19. I'm nearing 30 now). All of it. It's overwhelming. I already pay 2k in rent. I already pay exorbitant prices for food and gas. I pay for insurance and a billion other little things.

But debt?
Well, there is a quarter of my paycheck, blasted, and once it starts, it only gets worse. I try to pay it down but, oops, there's another medical debt tacked on. Or oops, there is something else I have to charge because I don't have any money to actually pay. It adds and adds and I'm already on the verge of homelessness, all because of debt. I have a shit degree and shit experience and the one job I like is the one that I'll never make enough at.

I get that I made had decisions. Shouldn't have went to college (at least not for what I did). Shouldn't have been stupid when I was a kid. Shouldn't have… had medical issues (the bulk of my debt)?

Even has a bankruptcy attorney put me off because I'm so fucking broke I can't afford him. So fuck me, I guess? I could be making twice as much and escaping this debt would still be nearly impossible. I'm shackled, and just see no reason to keep working 70+ hrs a week just to get another day older and deeper in debt.

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