
Why nobody is talking about the cost of learning at home to get a raise? We talk about commute or overtime but almost nobody talks about how we need to constantly get certifications and new skills to get raises or promotions to just keep up with inflation and COL.

This has been my pet peeve for some time now and I don't understand why nobody talks about it. I read how we are not working “40 hours” but if we account for a commute of 2 hours a day we are “at work” for at least 50 hours. On top of that add some OT during the weekend or in the evening and you have to work for 55-60 hours for a pay of 40 hours. BUT there is also this thing called Goals, certifications, qualifications, exams and new skills that nobody talks about. Let's say your employer is “graciously” paying for your new certification. This certification requires 150 hours to study. With all the sick leaves, bank holidays and holidays you have 230 working days in a year. 150 hours/230 working days = 0.65 hour every working day to update your skills. So on top of the 55-60…

This has been my pet peeve for some time now and I don't understand why nobody talks about it. I read how we are not working “40 hours” but if we account for a commute of 2 hours a day we are “at work” for at least 50 hours. On top of that add some OT during the weekend or in the evening and you have to work for 55-60 hours for a pay of 40 hours. BUT there is also this thing called Goals, certifications, qualifications, exams and new skills that nobody talks about.

Let's say your employer is “graciously” paying for your new certification. This certification requires 150 hours to study. With all the sick leaves, bank holidays and holidays you have 230 working days in a year. 150 hours/230 working days = 0.65 hour every working day to update your skills.

So on top of the 55-60 hours a week you have to add at minimum additional 3.25 hours per week to study to get a certificate.

And then at the end of the year, you receive an amazing raise of 5 or 10% for 40 hours a week of more difficult work (because you have a certification now!) while it is in reality almost 65 hours Don't forget inflation that ate 4-5% (in reality 10% if you count only groceries, utilities and rent)

So you are more qualified, with less home time, for more work and even less salary.

Am I alone thinking that learning for exams is just pointless?

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