
Why should we even bother anymore?

NSFW due to foul language, and also a long rant due to a multitude of bullshit over this past week that came to a head today. So to begin with I had my semi annual performance meeting asking what I wanted out of the company and what my company wanted out of me. I told them nothing much except to be able to make certain decisions on my own and a few more hours(I work retail btw) which they said they'd oblige due to me not being able to complete certain tasks on time while only working 6 hours. In return all they asked was for me to hurry customer interactions so I can get more work done. No biggie right? Well a couple days later I was working out and working on my sprints when I felt the worst kind of pain in my foot. All I could find…

NSFW due to foul language, and also a long rant due to a multitude of bullshit over this past week that came to a head today. So to begin with I had my semi annual performance meeting asking what I wanted out of the company and what my company wanted out of me. I told them nothing much except to be able to make certain decisions on my own and a few more hours(I work retail btw) which they said they'd oblige due to me not being able to complete certain tasks on time while only working 6 hours. In return all they asked was for me to hurry customer interactions so I can get more work done. No biggie right? Well a couple days later I was working out and working on my sprints when I felt the worst kind of pain in my foot. All I could find was a nasty tight bump so the next day I call out and go to the doctor only to find out that my insurance that is provided by my company is invalid due to some minor error even though it seems everything like my name, birthdate, social and address are all correct and of course the system was down so no one could tell me why I didn't have health insurance. So not only can I not walk now without being in excruciating pain I can't find out why not can I do my job. And just to add insult to injury I check my schedule and I went from working 30 some odd hours a week to working fucking 27 hours. I seriously just had an awesome review, was told my request for more hours would be approved after I also told them I'd be happy to cross train into other departments only to have my shit cut? Due to apparently not having any hours in the budget yet my coworker texted me today saying they begged them to stay over to finish a fucking project. And they also started hired for seasonal work. So now I can't walk, I can't see a god damn doctor, my hours have been cut and for what? Why the fuck do we do this? To hell with corporate America and any and all fake ass companies who say they look out for their employees and treat them like family! Eat my ass even the supposed family I never talk to anymore treated me this fucking bad. I've no idea what to do and I have a wife and two cats that I have to fend for. I swear if I could I go to almost any other country on this planet and leave this third world corporate country behind

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