
Why the need for constant change?

So I've been working in corporate settings (software dev.) For about a decade now. And for the life of me I cannot understand why people don't like stability in processes, communication lines, accountability, responsibilities, etc. Something always needs to change , to be in flux for these people. Examples I've witnessed: testing department is transferred from one project to the other (2.5 year behind, they needed the help). So the CPO (chief product owner) wants to get rid of a part of the WP (work package). Which needs a new manager to manage this transition. Who needs their own WP, but that needs transfer of budget. Which the WPM (work package manager) doesn't approve. Meaning cross department alignment on responsibilities need to take place. After which accountabilities are changed. This was just in the last 2 weeks. It just never stops. What do these people do all day if they…

So I've been working in corporate settings (software dev.) For about a decade now. And for the life of me I cannot understand why people don't like stability in processes, communication lines, accountability, responsibilities, etc. Something always needs to change , to be in flux for these people.

Examples I've witnessed: testing department is transferred from one project to the other (2.5 year behind, they needed the help). So the CPO (chief product owner) wants to get rid of a part of the WP (work package). Which needs a new manager to manage this transition. Who needs their own WP, but that needs transfer of budget. Which the WPM (work package manager) doesn't approve. Meaning cross department alignment on responsibilities need to take place. After which accountabilities are changed.

This was just in the last 2 weeks. It just never stops. What do these people do all day if they actually have to do work?

Meanwhile, a 'full development team' means 7 people here. Currently we have 3.

Meaning more alignment on WPs, transfer of responsibilities to other teams, high level architecture alignments to see if we can fit 3.5 years of work in 1 year.

Like, I just want to do my work in peace??

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