
Why work can’t stay work ? #rant

I work as an art director in a big advertising company. The conditions in which i work are far comfier than a lot of people and i am grateful for that, things could be worse. On the other hand… I am so tired of the pressure put on creatives. Is there any other field where managers are gonna urge you to find new inspirations ? To learn new skills on new softwares ? To stay updated every week on what is happening in the advertising world ? It's just driving me crazy how everyone in the field has accepted this blindly. Do you go tell an accountant that he should try something different than Excel in his free time just to stay competitive ? Why are my career and credibility constantly questioned if i'm not following the latest stupid trend ? Every week i'm supposed to show my latest sources…

I work as an art director in a big advertising company. The conditions in which i work are far comfier than a lot of people and i am grateful for that, things could be worse.

On the other hand…

I am so tired of the pressure put on creatives. Is there any other field where managers are gonna urge you to find new inspirations ? To learn new skills on new softwares ? To stay updated every week on what is happening in the advertising world ? It's just driving me crazy how everyone in the field has accepted this blindly. Do you go tell an accountant that he should try something different than Excel in his free time just to stay competitive ? Why are my career and credibility constantly questioned if i'm not following the latest stupid trend ? Every week i'm supposed to show my latest sources of inspirations, and if they are too similar, i'll have to find new ones.

To be clear, i'm not even an old grumpy AD, i'm 27. I know it's good to evolve, to improve, to learn new skills, i just think it should be a personal decision, or a company wide formation, not a friendly threat about how you need to stay sharp to matter for the company. I'm often advised by managers on how i should work on new things on the week end or make extra gigs FOR FREE. I feel rage when i think about how we've come to the point where it's considered “weird” for not working on hours you're not paid for. It's considered lazy or unmotivated. What went wrong ?!

And then there all the office “perks” : after work drinks, work parties, “challenge day”, company-themed days etc. Where does it end ? Why does it make a bad employee if i don't want to participate in my company more than the time i'm paid for ? Why should i put emotional investment in something that is nothing more than my way to make a living ? I'd rather have a fair salary increase than a stupid 5 à 7 every week that cost probably a looooot considering how many people we are. People are bought with cheap wines and ice creams into working 60h a week.

Every week, i'm doing my work, i'm doing it well, no one can complain about my behavior either, but i feel like i'm judged because i'm not doing the “extra” bit expected for no reason other than “you are so lucky to be here, you should behave or else”.

I'm fully aware i wont be able to stay there forever and i'm planning on going back to studies as soon as possible. I can't wait for the day i'd be able to leave this industry and start studying astrophysics !

Thank you for reading

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