
Wish they fire me

I'm at the point I'm breaking dress code on Sunday slow dead hours. I hate this job but can't leave since I need a back up job. Got written up today for “not wearing uniform” it was just a black shirt with my dress pants, belt, and non slip shoes. I did purposely wear dangle earrings but meh. As i was signing I noticed the supervisor there wasn't in uniform either. So not sure why he got off Scott free in front of my boss. Also noticed another coworker wears dangle in front off the boss and gets away with it And another worker eats a lollipop in the kitchen. ( no snacking on clock in kitchen ) and gets away with it. Huh.. Whatever…I told the other boss to reduce my hours as I get more days off to apply else where. What's up with bosses picking favorites

I'm at the point I'm breaking dress code on Sunday slow dead hours. I hate this job but can't leave since I need a back up job.

Got written up today for “not wearing uniform” it was just a black shirt with my dress pants, belt, and non slip shoes. I did purposely wear dangle earrings but meh.

As i was signing I noticed the supervisor there wasn't in uniform either. So not sure why he got off Scott free in front of my boss.

Also noticed another coworker wears dangle in front off the boss and gets away with it

And another worker eats a lollipop in the kitchen. ( no snacking on clock in kitchen ) and gets away with it.


Whatever…I told the other boss to reduce my hours as I get more days off to apply else where.

What's up with bosses picking favorites

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