
Withdrew my application and told them to go f*ck themselves

I had a good interview with Company X, but they are in a shitty location downtown with bad parking and the work from home option was only two days a week. These bitches also didn't even validate my parking. The reason they wanted a second interview was because the hiring manager said the candidates were so close that they couldn't make up their minds and wanted 1. A written test assignment and 2. A second interview. The assignment was actually a ridiculous amount of work given that I was not yet working for them: Put together a 10-20 minute presentation on this (real life) earnings report. What this assignment says is, “Chicken Dinner, if you come to work for us, we will expect you to bust your ass overtime as the standard and we will not ever consider compensating you fairly for it.” I mulled it over that weekend and…

I had a good interview with Company X, but they are in a shitty location downtown with bad parking and the work from home option was only two days a week. These bitches also didn't even validate my parking. The reason they wanted a second interview was because the hiring manager said the candidates were so close that they couldn't make up their minds and wanted 1. A written test assignment and 2. A second interview.

The assignment was actually a ridiculous amount of work given that I was not yet working for them: Put together a 10-20 minute presentation on this (real life) earnings report. What this assignment says is, “Chicken Dinner, if you come to work for us, we will expect you to bust your ass overtime as the standard and we will not ever consider compensating you fairly for it.”

I mulled it over that weekend and then told the hiring manager the day of the scheduled interview:

“I prefer to withdraw at this time. A second interview seems reasonable, but no test presentations. The assignment is requesting a great deal of free labor. Also, your company did not validate my parking at the first interview.”

A few days later I was offered a job by another company that is fully remote and no bitch ass hoops to jump through. I start next week.

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