
Women of Anti work, I need your help….

A guy twice my age is actively targeting me and my fellow women at my job and I've been told by the higher ups that if I or anyone else complain about him we'll all be fired, and I can't find another place to work that pays as well as this job. He's been hiding my chair. Tore down something I drew on my downtime that another person put up for me. Has been putting up little notes mocking me (example being: I vented to my mom about some of his bullshit and she happens to work for the same place different department and acted on my behalf because she knows the place inside and out. The other day he put up a note saying “I'll tell my mommy!” To mock said situation.) and even going to the schedule our supervisor makes for us, and scratches my name out causing…

A guy twice my age is actively targeting me and my fellow women at my job and I've been told by the higher ups that if I or anyone else complain about him we'll all be fired, and I can't find another place to work that pays as well as this job.

He's been hiding my chair. Tore down something I drew on my downtime that another person put up for me. Has been putting up little notes mocking me (example being: I vented to my mom about some of his bullshit and she happens to work for the same place different department and acted on my behalf because she knows the place inside and out. The other day he put up a note saying “I'll tell my mommy!” To mock said situation.) and even going to the schedule our supervisor makes for us, and scratches my name out causing another coworker to go to our supervisor asking if I had quit.

He's also been stealing from our job and stalking the other women of my job, going as far as trying to follow one of them home on multiple occasions. And he also has a journal that he's been writing in about us — one of the fellow female coworkers saw he was writing about her, and another male coworker found that the creep wrote about the others coworker he followed home who happened to be that male coworker's sister.

I'm very close to breaking the rules and bringing a pocket knife to work because I don't feel safe anymore, but I can't afford to lose this job.

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