
Wont let me take the weekend off? I won’t come in.

I (f19) started working at a snack bar for a local bowling alley in high school (I was 16 at the time). At first I really liked the job, it was super easy and really low maintenance, plus I got free food. Over the 2 years I worked there I had seen a lot of things and have met a lot of people. I’ve had to deal with a lot of creepy bowlers. People would harass/touch me constantly and when I would bring it up to my manager (f) nothing would happen and the cycle would start over. As things progressively got worse, I got even more depressed and started hating the job. I had been contemplating quitting for a few months and one day I just finally broke. A customer came up to me and called me “racist” for not giving him a cup of ice (which is a…

I (f19) started working at a snack bar for a local bowling alley in high school (I was 16 at the time). At first I really liked the job, it was super easy and really low maintenance, plus I got free food. Over the 2 years I worked there I had seen a lot of things and have met a lot of people. I’ve had to deal with a lot of creepy bowlers. People would harass/touch me constantly and when I would bring it up to my manager (f) nothing would happen and the cycle would start over.

As things progressively got worse, I got even more depressed and started hating the job. I had been contemplating quitting for a few months and one day I just finally broke.

A customer came up to me and called me “racist” for not giving him a cup of ice (which is a management rule that I cannot break). He then continued to call me names and scream and yell at me. My manager watched the whole thing go down and did not say a word. When he finally left, my manager and I made eye contact and she walked away. That’s when I just snapped. I put my two weeks in and finished the shift.

A few weeks prior to me quitting I requested a weekend off to get my wisdom teeth removed. The weekend finally came and it was going to be my last two shifts at the bowling alley. My manager told me to revoke my request for time off and come in after the surgery. I told her I would not be doing that, since I would still be coming down from the anesthesia and would be in a lot of pain. She scheduled me anyway and I told her I wasn’t coming in no matter what. She never responded.

I started a league there and would see my ex manager pretty frequently. We never interacted and I thought things were okay between us. The first week I was doing league I found a note in my payment envelope saying “broke a**” right above my name. I was really offended and asked my teammates if they wrote that as a joke, they didn’t. I never said anything to my manger and just colored over the note and moved on. My manger still gives me the stink eye and refuses to talk to me when I have a question about league. Overall, a very unprofessional person.

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