
Work 26 weeks and off 26 weeks?

I work contractually that pays relatively well. If I work the normal 48 to 52 weeks a year it is around 130k after taxes. I save around 60% of that income after expenses and taxes. Mentally, I feel burnt out, but working like this for 10 years I can retire like a rich man in my home country, the Philippines–meaning a big house and lot for only $80,00-100,000, meals dirt cheap, etc. Option 2: Work 26 weeks of the year, get half of what I make, but more free time to live and vacation in the Philippines and all of SE Asia and when I say low cost of living over there, I mean it: $50,000/year salary is considered the top 1% over there (think of multi-millionaire status). Just need $2000 to live VERY comfortably in the Philippines. Mentally, I will enjoy life in option 2, BUT what is holding…

I work contractually that pays relatively well. If I work the normal 48 to 52 weeks a year it is around 130k after taxes. I save around 60% of that income after expenses and taxes. Mentally, I feel burnt out, but working like this for 10 years I can retire like a rich man in my home country, the Philippines–meaning a big house and lot for only $80,00-100,000, meals dirt cheap, etc.

Option 2:

Work 26 weeks of the year, get half of what I make, but more free time to live and vacation in the Philippines and all of SE Asia and when I say low cost of living over there, I mean it: $50,000/year salary is considered the top 1% over there (think of multi-millionaire status). Just need $2000 to live VERY comfortably in the Philippines.

Mentally, I will enjoy life in option 2, BUT what is holding me back is I can retire much faster with option 1 as I also use extra disposable income with stocks and RE–which I am not doing bad–currently up a decent with a few blue chip stocks (but not enough to retire).

What would you rather choose? Forgot to add my job (travel nurse–post covid rates), people and the environemnt are generally very toxic.

Other information:
Main expense is rent, car note paid off, no debt. I only pay rent 6 months a year (in USA working) with option 2 by the way.

I have dual citizenship with USA and Philippines. So, yes, I am legally allowed to buy land in the Philippines.

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