
Work announced that mobile phones can’t be used or powered during work hours…

The HR where I work sent out a new policy stating that personal mobile phones cannot be used during work hours, must be turned off and out of sight until the end of the day. Is it just me or is this ridiculous? Yeah, if someone is sat for 8 hours playing Clash of Clans and not doing their job then they should receive disciplinary action. If people are handling their workloads efficiently then what difference does it make if someone spends 30 seconds checking how long is left on an eBay listing or something like that?

The HR where I work sent out a new policy stating that personal mobile phones cannot be used during work hours, must be turned off and out of sight until the end of the day. Is it just me or is this ridiculous?

Yeah, if someone is sat for 8 hours playing Clash of Clans and not doing their job then they should receive disciplinary action. If people are handling their workloads efficiently then what difference does it make if someone spends 30 seconds checking how long is left on an eBay listing or something like that?

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