
Work Bullies

So there are a few 50/60 year old women at my work who are making my life hell. I (f32) started this job about a year ago and I am excellent at my job. I am confident about the fact but not cocky. I am also kind and helpful to everyone I work with. So I have the same title or grade as these 3 other older women who have been doing the job for 20 plus years. This group of, we will call them ‘Karen’s’ have been making my life hell. To the point I have been eating my lunch in the car most days. It’s the constant little passive aggressive things they do that really hurt me. Like if I am standing with a coworker they will say good morning to the other person and just completely ignore me. They will snort or make snarky comments when I…

So there are a few 50/60 year old women at my work who are making my life hell.

I (f32) started this job about a year ago and I am excellent at my job. I am confident about the fact but not cocky. I am also kind and helpful to everyone I work with.

So I have the same title or grade as these 3 other older women who have been doing the job for 20 plus years.

This group of, we will call them ‘Karen’s’ have been making my life hell.

To the point I have been eating my lunch in the car most days.

It’s the constant little passive aggressive things they do that really hurt me.

Like if I am standing with a coworker they will say good morning to the other person and just completely ignore me.

They will snort or make snarky comments when I speak

If they are in a room and I enter they will completely stop talking about whatever they are talking about which makes me think they were talking about me

I have caught them talking about me a few times

They have a WhatsApp group chat for everyone in workplace and didn’t invite me

They arrange nights out and purposely don’t invite me

They pick holes in every bit of work I do and find problems that aren’t there

They have went behind my back and complained about me to my boss for completely trivial things

Like I don’t know what I’ve done. I have been nothing but nice to these people but they are making my life hell.

I spoke to my mum and she said it’s because they are ‘old and fat and ugly and on their way out’ (of the workplace) and I’m young and beautiful and on the rise to do amazing things (her words not mine)

But surely not?

They have been making my life absolutely hell to the point I cry most nights after work and dread going in in the morning.

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