
Work bullshit again.

Today our shift was debriefed on safety incidents across our multinational locations. I was already super dissatisfied with leadership. today when I asked why our site, which just had acid react with slag in our plumbing, wasn’t on the list. My question was dismissed, disregarded and the person giving the meeting derailed it by saying we need to not flush parts down the drain. Am I wrong when I say that this sort of incompetence might kill someone?

Today our shift was debriefed on safety incidents across our multinational locations. I was already super dissatisfied with leadership. today when I asked why our site, which just had acid react with slag in our plumbing, wasn’t on the list. My question was dismissed, disregarded and the person giving the meeting derailed it by saying we need to not flush parts down the drain. Am I wrong when I say that this sort of incompetence might kill someone?

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