
Work damages the consciousness making the mind submit to its trivia

Disturbing thing is how my coworkers used to talk only about work trivia. It's like their souls were damaged to perceive only the prison they are in. Meaning that the gossip about power games and work bullshit took over. When you go to the job they give you this big book of rules to learn. Like insidious overflow into your mind, so you will forget about your freedom. This overflow is what disturbs me the most – you are being made to forget. I used to tell my coworkers, why do you speak about the job on break? “Why not?” Probably there are some postmodern writings on this already: How system enslaves the people by overcrowding main discourse with the meaningless rules procedures and rituals. So slaves forget that there might be existence behind the systems walls. The prison becomes the identity and that's the scariest part of adulthood.

Disturbing thing is how my coworkers used to talk only about work trivia.
It's like their souls were damaged to perceive only the prison they are in.
Meaning that the gossip about power games and work bullshit took over.
When you go to the job they give you this big book of rules to learn.
Like insidious overflow into your mind, so you will forget about your freedom.
This overflow is what disturbs me the most – you are being made to forget.
I used to tell my coworkers, why do you speak about the job on break? “Why not?”

Probably there are some postmodern writings on this already:
How system enslaves the people by overcrowding main discourse
with the meaningless rules procedures and rituals.
So slaves forget that there might be existence behind the systems walls.
The prison becomes the identity and that's the scariest part of adulthood.

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