
Work discrepancies

Some things at work have been a bit strange and sort of power abuse by the supervisor there have been instances and many moments where things just didn’t add up recently when ever we finish work early they tell us to not leave even though they make us clock out I’m fairly new to the job almost a month in but last week after most of us were done with our work we logged off and got ready to leave but then we got a message saying do not leave or you will be written up and lose steps( steps= an attendance thing that’s done and you lose a step for every day you call off and you get fired if you reach 0 you start at 3 )but long story short they made us clean up around the place even though we were clocked out, it felt wrong on…

Some things at work have been a bit strange and sort of power abuse by the supervisor there have been instances and many moments where things just didn’t add up recently when ever we finish work early they tell us to not leave even though they make us clock out I’m fairly new to the job almost a month in but last week after most of us were done with our work we logged off and got ready to leave but then we got a message saying do not leave or you will be written up and lose steps( steps= an attendance thing that’s done and you lose a step for every day you call off and you get fired if you reach 0 you start at 3 )but long story short they made us clean up around the place even though we were clocked out, it felt wrong on many levels like isn’t that why you have janitors and why are we being threatened basically to be written up if we don’t comply. Nowhere on the contract or agreement that we signed did it say we would become unpaid janitors as well. I was just in awe, also can you sue for something like this?

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