
Work ethic mindset

This happened to me at a cafe, and sometimes go in , it’s an old woman slaving, sorry i mean serving. Anyway, i must of been too honest one day and said im not working. Then get questioned or followed up about work like shes my boss. 🤔 Like when honest i said i’m unfortunately not working .. “ oh that’s no good (my name), what you gonna do” like she knows me even.. Baffuling thing is what does it or i even matter to her, whether employed or not ? 🤨 That meme “ just shut up and take my money” 🤣 And she’d also say a statement on “ hard to find a job , take something.. anything!”. This sort of further impends this whole work stress to me. Cause feel only point she is saying it, realistically , although i respect her for her service. Is she…

This happened to me at a cafe, and sometimes go in , it’s an old woman slaving, sorry i mean serving. Anyway, i must of been too honest one day and said im not working. Then get questioned or followed up about work like shes my boss. 🤔

Like when honest i said i’m unfortunately not working .. “ oh that’s no good (my name), what you gonna do” like she knows me even..

Baffuling thing is what does it or i even matter to her, whether employed or not ? 🤨
That meme “ just shut up and take my money” 🤣

And she’d also say a statement on “ hard to find a job , take something.. anything!”.

This sort of further impends this whole work stress to me. Cause feel only point she is saying it, realistically , although i respect her for her service. Is she is to trapped in a long hours situation to make ends meet. And find it hard she is there of free will, just decided to make due with barista type work.

And shes saying it , feels more of a jealousy thing towards me being able to show off some sense of freedom by walking into the cafe to grab a coffee and banana bread and pay off yesterdays IOU. .. Ive worked to , while you gain a sense of ego that your in the workforce. For some of us it shreds off as you learn it’s a superficial act, and you start to question – id like to just be chillin and relaxed at home right now.. (especially come 6/8th hour) how significant is this work to me or society anyway. For example i did carpentry estimating and look at plans that detail beams and wood and provide a quote. i can easily see an AI doing it in 5 seconds if set up a database of wood/prices and can input the plan to be read. What am i needed there for 8 hours
“ you only have one life afterall”

She’s only going to lose a customer , but is this die hard work ethic worth it. it’s fine for me chillin and go in 12pm but starting 6am and then .. the cafe no longer fun , i get it.

Just seems like this “ you must suffer with me” attitude. I could go on and on with my views to the indignant nature of currency and work overall.

I wish id be able to ‘work’ and FEEL like im supporting my ‘community’to but i, like many out there, when get home.. only have a select few friends and use to do activities out in community but just been in a solace bubble pondering what it is in this life i feel like expanding. Bank account or a more perceptive consciousness and the nature of that.

So alot of odd jobs tldr just feel like an expendable to, and if i dont have the mind to do it and struggling to get hopefully more satisfactory job through $20k for qualification. That was a huge investment time,energy andmoney, i really feel some more solid framework if you do this and you get here needs to be set.

Curious how many other qualified peeps here that gotten fed up. Like i know others who were in top accounting roles, now a postie delivering mail, seen very elaborate resumes.. to be sitting next my not so distinguished butt doing mundane pick pack work cause struggle find work in a qualification they could of devoted more time and money into .

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