
Work got cancelled last night

So I don’t know if this post exactly belongs here but it’s such a bonkers story that I needed to share it somewhere. So here we go. Work got cancelled last night, I work 11PM-7AM as an electrician currently working on a CCTV Project for a max-A prison. We have two corrections officers or CO’s that escort us in the facility to work. No officers, no work. Work was cancelled because our construction officers had to take an inmate out for an outside hospital trip. It happens sometimes, as a lot of the inmates are older and since staffing is an issue it happens every once in a while. But last night was different. NSFW: An inmate ripped three teeth out of his face, and shoved one into his right ear, deep into his ear, and shoved the other two deep into his urethra. Your man shoved teeth from his…

So I don’t know if this post exactly belongs here but it’s such a bonkers story that I needed to share it somewhere. So here we go.

Work got cancelled last night, I work 11PM-7AM as an electrician currently working on a CCTV Project for a max-A prison. We have two corrections officers or CO’s that escort us in the facility to work. No officers, no work.

Work was cancelled because our construction officers had to take an inmate out for an outside hospital trip. It happens sometimes, as a lot of the inmates are older and since staffing is an issue it happens every once in a while. But last night was different.


An inmate ripped three teeth out of his face, and shoved one into his right ear, deep into his ear, and shoved the other two deep into his urethra.

Your man shoved teeth from his own face into his own penis.

So they had to take him to the hospital.

And that’s how I got off of work on Wednesday.

Ask me anything in the comments about prison and I’ll be happy to answer the best I can.

TLDR: inmate shoved teeth in his dick and I got the night off work because my CO’s had to do a hospital trip instead of construction.

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