
Work had no plans for a crucial machine being down for months now its suddenly my problem

2 months this peice of shit we bought hasn't been running. It never runs its been a constant problem and outdated before we ever bought it. They constantly get it up and running for a week or two then it breaks again. We are horrendously backed up well its finally running again and they just expect us to drop what we are doing and work 7 days a week to catch up. This isn't my problem they can out source the work like they had been doing or ship things late. I have plans for the next couple of weeks and I fear that they will force overtime and I just can't make that kinda thing work. Last week I worked 62 hrs over 6 days and alot of people have worked 7-10 days straight. I won't can't do this i shouldn't be expected to do this mental fatigue is…

2 months this peice of shit we bought hasn't been running. It never runs its been a constant problem and outdated before we ever bought it. They constantly get it up and running for a week or two then it breaks again. We are horrendously backed up well its finally running again and they just expect us to drop what we are doing and work 7 days a week to catch up. This isn't my problem they can out source the work like they had been doing or ship things late. I have plans for the next couple of weeks and I fear that they will force overtime and I just can't make that kinda thing work. Last week I worked 62 hrs over 6 days and alot of people have worked 7-10 days straight. I won't can't do this i shouldn't be expected to do this mental fatigue is real and us being over worked to cover constant 24hr 7 days a week understaffed is leading to injuries and near misses. But hey they gave us a dollar raise when inflation went up 42 percent so I better be grateful smh. Shit planning on your part isn't an emergency on mine.

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