
Work Harder When Co-workers on Vacation?

I work in a small department. We’ve been working at around 75% of full staffing due to leave and that nobody wants to transfer in here. On top of that we’re down to 50-60% staffing when one of us takes vacation. It isn’t my fault they can’t hire to fill jobs. Pay more and treat us better. Not my responsibility to work harder to save them from themselves. I have loyalty to and sympathy for my co-workers, but we’re all in the same boat here. What are your feelings and how do/did you handle Somalia situations?

I work in a small department. We’ve been working at around 75% of full staffing due to leave and that nobody wants to transfer in here. On top of that we’re down to 50-60% staffing when one of us takes vacation.

It isn’t my fault they can’t hire to fill jobs. Pay more and treat us better. Not my responsibility to work harder to save them from themselves.

I have loyalty to and sympathy for my co-workers, but we’re all in the same boat here.

What are your feelings and how do/did you handle Somalia situations?

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