
Work hasn’t paid me in 3 weeks (going on 4)

They’ve also decided to start removing dates from my schedule, so I don’t have to work! I’m not sure if I’m fired or what. But for the past month or so, they’ve purposely been messing up my schedule. They also do this thing during the holidays (when people need money the most) to start pruning their staff, “to make room for new employees”. When the real reason is to save money in paying said employees. I’ve been trying to find a new job, but to no avail. I actually just got rejected from Target.

They’ve also decided to start removing dates from my schedule, so I don’t have to work! I’m not sure if I’m fired or what. But for the past month or so, they’ve purposely been messing up my schedule. They also do this thing during the holidays (when people need money the most) to start pruning their staff, “to make room for new employees”. When the real reason is to save money in paying said employees. I’ve been trying to find a new job, but to no avail. I actually just got rejected from Target.

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