
Work induced health problems.

Last Monday I managed to get heart problems I stuck it out till Tuesday. But that night I had a really bad feeling my heart in rest went to 150 sweating and just feeling like throwing up. I decided to make a doctor's appointment and went Friday the earliest I could go. As it turns out. My body is under so much stress because of my job it's causing problems (my heart is fine btw it's something minor). I was put on sickleave for 10 days and needed to drop off my remotekey and the doctors boss wanted a talk what happened and basically all he wanted to ask is if I could come back earlier out sickleave cause we're fully booked and he canceled overtime. The only thing I would wanna do to the sickleave is getting it extended.

Last Monday I managed to get heart problems I stuck it out till Tuesday. But that night I had a really bad feeling my heart in rest went to 150 sweating and just feeling like throwing up. I decided to make a doctor's appointment and went Friday the earliest I could go. As it turns out. My body is under so much stress because of my job it's causing problems (my heart is fine btw it's something minor). I was put on sickleave for 10 days and needed to drop off my remotekey and the doctors boss wanted a talk what happened and basically all he wanted to ask is if I could come back earlier out sickleave cause we're fully booked and he canceled overtime. The only thing I would wanna do to the sickleave is getting it extended.

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