
Work is asking me to wait to the end of my shift to eat. I’m hypoglycemic. What do I do?

So, I work as a cashier at a pizza place. My shifts are typically at or just under 6 hours–the longest period they are legally allowed to work me without in a break in my state. At first, I was allowed a meal whenever service was slow provided I clocked out. However, that's no longer the case–they're cutting down to 2 cashiers and don't want to leave just one alone on there. So now, I have to wait until the last 30 minutes to put an order in and eat after my shift. I am hypoglycemic. It's not that serious, but I tend to get hungry every few hours. And six hours? Even if I ate just before, around hour four I'm starving. And when I get hungry, it's not a matter of feeling uncomfortable. I can sweat, become lightheaded, and there's even the chance of passing out or something…

So, I work as a cashier at a pizza place. My shifts are typically at or just under 6 hours–the longest period they are legally allowed to work me without in a break in my state. At first, I was allowed a meal whenever service was slow provided I clocked out. However, that's no longer the case–they're cutting down to 2 cashiers and don't want to leave just one alone on there. So now, I have to wait until the last 30 minutes to put an order in and eat after my shift.

I am hypoglycemic. It's not that serious, but I tend to get hungry every few hours. And six hours? Even if I ate just before, around hour four I'm starving. And when I get hungry, it's not a matter of feeling uncomfortable. I can sweat, become lightheaded, and there's even the chance of passing out or something more serious if I don't eat something. The first time I had to do this kind of shift like this, I ran out to my car and stuffed some peanuts in my mouth so I wouldn't collapse. My shift on Friday is 5 and a half hours. How can I tell my boss that not eating for that time is not possible for me? Should I just sneak in a granola bar and eat it in the bathroom? I fear that if they catch me eating (or if I even confront them on this) I'll get reprimanded.

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