
Work is destroying me. (26F).

I know this is a common topic, but I literally hate my life even more since I started working my 9-to-5 corporate job. I've always suffered from depression, and I am medicated, but I think nothing major has changed.I still hate my life every single day. I hate wasting two hours a day having to commute to go to an office full of gossipers. By the time I'm home every evening, it's 20 p.m. I have to cook and clean, and I'm so drained.I spend my Sundays in a horrible mood because I know the day after will be Monday, and I procrastinate bedtime so I have more time for myself. I wake up exhausted and in a horrible mood every day because I feel like I'm wasting my life working. I can't do anything about it. I know I should be glad to have a job so I'm (almost)…

I know this is a common topic, but I literally hate my life even more since I started working my 9-to-5 corporate job.

I've always suffered from depression, and I am medicated, but I think nothing major has changed.I still hate my life every single day. I hate wasting two hours a day having to commute to go to an office full of gossipers.

By the time I'm home every evening, it's 20 p.m. I have to cook and clean, and I'm so drained.I spend my Sundays in a horrible mood because I know the day after will be Monday, and I procrastinate bedtime so I have more time for myself.
I wake up exhausted and in a horrible mood every day because I feel like I'm wasting my life working. I can't do anything about it.

I know I should be glad to have a job so I'm (almost) able to pay the bills, but I get to the weekend and I literally have no energy left for doing anything else. This affects everything, including my social life.

I have done everything in my power to get better. I changed jobs, went to a psychiatrist, and tried to take care of myself. Sometimes it feels like the only option is to end it all. (I know, I'm dramatic, but this is how I feel.)

Is not as easy as “Change jobs,”, because I'm stuck with my career. I'm aware I'm not super intelligent, and I know that I've always had difficulty finishing high school, so I wouldn't see myself going back to study.
I'm just doomed to an unhappy life, and I'm trying to accept it. It sucks. 
I hate being so negative as well; I know it affects the way I speak about life, work, family, and friends.

I don't know what to do; please advise.
I apologize in advance for any grammar errors; English is not my native language.

If you are still reading, thank you so much for your time. X

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