
Work is Pointless.

I have given up on working for the time being. Unless something came along that offered good hours or good pay or both, I'm just not going to bother. I'd much rather not work, scrape by on welfare and at least have/enjoy my own time than working eight hours a day, five days a week for 300-something days a year in the hopes that I might get to enjoy the last 30 years of my life if I've saved hard enough and my body hasn't already given out. Don't get me wrong I'm not against work but what is the point when I'm not going to own a house and the pay you get isn't much better than welfare when you consider the amount of time you have from not working. Does anyone else feel like this? I'd much rather use my time to study or upskill or maybe just…

I have given up on working for the time being.

Unless something came along that offered good hours or good pay or both, I'm just not going to bother. I'd much rather not work, scrape by on welfare and at least have/enjoy my own time than working eight hours a day, five days a week for 300-something days a year in the hopes that I might get to enjoy the last 30 years of my life if I've saved hard enough and my body hasn't already given out.

Don't get me wrong I'm not against work but what is the point when I'm not going to own a house and the pay you get isn't much better than welfare when you consider the amount of time you have from not working.

Does anyone else feel like this? I'd much rather use my time to study or upskill or maybe just enjoy the time I have to myself? Seems fuckin bonkers to me that we are so willing to give up nearly all the hours of our waking life to make someone else rich while we still scrape by. I'll bide my time on welfare, working on projects and self-improvement till workers can earn a households worth of income individually again and I at least have the potential of owning a house that doesn't rely on my parents carking it.

A wage should be enough to live life, not just survive. Enough for a car, some savings, a house deposit and Jesus Christ some fucking fun money. We are here to live, not be drones until we are nearly dead or of no use anymore to be sent into retirement then being allowed to enjoy ourselves.

Eat the rich and solidarity with the workers.

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