
Work is taking away all my benefits.

Sorry for the long post, but there's a bit of back story. I worked for a grocery chain in Texas, in their warehouse as an order selector last year for several months. I got hurt with the repeated heavy lifting & ended up having surgery on my right forearm. I took about a week off and went back to work on light duty, just stopping up floors and such. After a little over a week the metal plate holding my arm together snapped (supposedly due to the stress of moving it back and forth nonstop i.e. sweeping.) I ended up on the er for a bit & then met up with my ortho who completely immobilized my arm from shoulder to fingertips & then helped me file a short term disability claim so I wouldn't risk any further damage. Short term got approved last year and covered my recovery so…

Sorry for the long post, but there's a bit of back story.
I worked for a grocery chain in Texas, in their warehouse as an order selector last year for several months. I got hurt with the repeated heavy lifting & ended up having surgery on my right forearm. I took about a week off and went back to work on light duty, just stopping up floors and such. After a little over a week the metal plate holding my arm together snapped (supposedly due to the stress of moving it back and forth nonstop i.e. sweeping.)
I ended up on the er for a bit & then met up with my ortho who completely immobilized my arm from shoulder to fingertips & then helped me file a short term disability claim so I wouldn't risk any further damage. Short term got approved last year and covered my recovery so the way until Jan 21st of this year. In November if last year i had a second surgery to remove three metal plate & replace it with a new one. Jan 21st comes & my Dr still says I'm not strong enough to return as an order selector & has me focus on strengthening exercises, my work has no problem with this. I bring em the paperwork & they say ok let us know when he clears you to come back. The strengthening process goes on until March 27 at which point I return to work. It turns out Ican't order select at all, it causes too much pain. They (eventually) find me another position at a different warehouse & all is well until about a month ago. They tell me that because of that time I took off between Jan 21st & March 27th, I no longer qualify because my average hours worked falls below 28 hrs a week. Even though I'm back to full time now & have been for months. In October they have their sign up for 2024 benefits & they've told me I'm disqualified from all benefits for the 2024 year. There's apparently, nothing I can do about it & they advised I apply for medicaid. Idk what to do. I don't particularly want to quit, but I can't lose all my benefits. It's not even just health insurance, although that's a big one for my family. It's all pto, ot sign ups, bonuses, sick days. Literally everything but the paycheck. I was thinking about getting a lawyer, but I don't even know what they could do. Any advice is helpful.

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