
Work makes it almost impossible to schedule PTO or have sick time

So this is mostly me complaining and, who knows, maybe this is normal. Let me know if it is. So to use PTO, it has to be submitted 30 days in advance. In the employee handbook, it says a month in advance but the actual paper says 30 days. But, per management, all PTO request have to be submitted by the 10th of each month. She makes the schedule a month in advance, but honestly she just copy and paste the same schedule, because we all work 8 to 5. I know she copy and paste because the third Monday for the last 4 months have been half days for me. I only needed the half day 5 months ago. BUT if the week is the end of one month and half the other, your not suppose to be able to take those days off. (ex. I asked for Nov…

So this is mostly me complaining and, who knows, maybe this is normal. Let me know if it is.

So to use PTO, it has to be submitted 30 days in advance. In the employee handbook, it says a month in advance but the actual paper says 30 days. But, per management, all PTO request have to be submitted by the 10th of each month.

She makes the schedule a month in advance, but honestly she just copy and paste the same schedule, because we all work 8 to 5. I know she copy and paste because the third Monday for the last 4 months have been half days for me. I only needed the half day 5 months ago. BUT if the week is the end of one month and half the other, your not suppose to be able to take those days off. (ex. I asked for Nov 1st off on Sept 30th, well in advance, but because it was on a Wed, my boss made it seem like I was asking for the whole month off.)

Sick time has to be notified 4 hrs in advance. That's pretty normal, but the guilt trip is laid on hard. And next year we are allowed 1 sick day every 3 months. And of course, a day off with no sick time is two occurrences.

IDK if because this is my first “professional ” jod (medical receptionist), or maybe I'm just being a brat but, I do know trying to sch doc appointments around this, especially when they want me back in 2 weeks is almost impossible.

please let me know if I'm crazy to think this is unreasonable?

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