
Work Marking me as absent/Marking me down for using paid sick time off for covid

Had covid asked one of my managers if i use paid sick time off in the future incase i feel too sick to work since i had covid if i would get written up they said yes i would and it would be marked as an absence i was very hesitant on using it but i had to use it since i felt like death a couple days after and couldn't work (i work from home) and i was written up/marked as absent for using paid sick time off and now i am on my final warning until i get terminated and i cant be absent/late in the next 90 days or i'll get terminated and im afraid if i get sick again or something happens i get fired. I live in Kentucky. I have everything in writing i tried looking it up and i couldn't really gather if it…

Had covid asked one of my managers if i use paid sick time off in the future incase i feel too sick to work since i had covid if i would get written up they said yes i would and it would be marked as an absence i was very hesitant on using it but i had to use it since i felt like death a couple days after and couldn't work (i work from home) and i was written up/marked as absent for using paid sick time off and now i am on my final warning until i get terminated and i cant be absent/late in the next 90 days or i'll get terminated and im afraid if i get sick again or something happens i get fired. I live in Kentucky. I have everything in writing i tried looking it up and i couldn't really gather if it was legal for them to write me up for using paid sick time or not so i contacted a few work lawyers 2 of them said they dont want to take my case/dont care/ and 1 paralegal said that they will send my details to their attorney and will get back to me in a few days but i haven't been contacted back yet i have screenshots of everything said. Is this legal for them to do? I've been in constant stress over possibly getting sick again. What is the point of having paid sick time off if im just going to get fired for using it.

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