
Work not paying my hours and I have proof

Hello, I'm a hardworking cleaner at a secondary school in the UK, worked this job over a year now. I am seeking advice on what I can do such as potentially taking this employment tribunal and receiving a payout as the amount of stress and time I have to endure as well as unlawfully not being paid the hours I worked including times where they asked me to work In my summer holidays and they haven't paid me the full amount. On three occasions now I haven't been paid correctly, first occasion I came in to work overtime I worked 3.5hours and I didn't get paid for this at all. I chased up this up with senior management, I proved I didn't get paid, they first said you got paid without investigating, then just completely ignored my communications until I got tired n stop chasing. I know I didn't get…


I'm a hardworking cleaner at a secondary school in the UK, worked this job over a year now. I am seeking advice on what I can do such as potentially taking this employment tribunal and receiving a payout as the amount of stress and time I have to endure as well as unlawfully not being paid the hours I worked including times where they asked me to work In my summer holidays and they haven't paid me the full amount.
On three occasions now I haven't been paid correctly, first occasion I came in to work overtime I worked 3.5hours and I didn't get paid for this at all. I chased up this up with senior management, I proved I didn't get paid, they first said you got paid without investigating, then just completely ignored my communications until I got tired n stop chasing. I know I didn't get paid as my payslip was the same as all the other months I didn't do overtime this was the first time I done overtime and there was no increase in monthly pay the subsequent paydays.
The next occasions I was promised an incentivised increased rate per hour to come in and work The summer holiday. I accepted. I worked 15 hours and I got paid for 10hours and once again chased up and they done the classic dismissing everything I said and then ignoring my communication. The rest of the times I didn't get paid was similar to the above two examples. My concern also is in the future there will be another and another occasion this can happen so want to take action now with holding them responsible through means of employment tribunal or anything else my fellow reditters can recommend. I want to continue working here until I get something better also as have no choice.
1 have had enough of this and I want them to be held responsible. have gathered proof of me working these shifts and I have other people who also work with me with the same issues who are witnesses and also witnesses who have left who can agree to these issues.

What can I do, what should I do, can I take them employment tribunal and be compensated in some sort of way for them purposely not paying me the hours I worked, lying about paying me when the proof is black and white they didn't, they capitalise on expecting me to not know the law and not take action against their illegal action.

Many thanks in advance

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