
Work Overpaid Me; They’re Taking it Back at Christmas.

So my work overpaid me in a state raise that I was supposed to get (4%). I noticed that taxes ate up a lot of the raise because it was retroactive to June 1st. Today, I got a call saying that they overpaid my retroactive pay by double, so they are taking it off of my next check (I’m paid once per month, so it’ll be in December). I love where I work, truly. My boss is great, my boss’ boss is great, and my boss’ boss’ boss is great. This job has been amazing. I love going to work. However, this is going to hurt my family in the Christmas season because of their mistake. The two people in payroll I spoke to were less than helpful. I am beyond pissed. Is there ANY legal action I can take or am I just going to have to suck it…

So my work overpaid me in a state raise that I was supposed to get (4%). I noticed that taxes ate up a lot of the raise because it was retroactive to June 1st. Today, I got a call saying that they overpaid my retroactive pay by double, so they are taking it off of my next check (I’m paid once per month, so it’ll be in December). I love where I work, truly. My boss is great, my boss’ boss is great, and my boss’ boss’ boss is great. This job has been amazing. I love going to work. However, this is going to hurt my family in the Christmas season because of their mistake. The two people in payroll I spoke to were less than helpful. I am beyond pissed. Is there ANY legal action I can take or am I just going to have to suck it up?

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