
Work place privacy/personal device

My partner works in a small office for the US branch of a company. The office hierarchy is a bit screwey and most people have 2+ roles. I.e. HR is also IT. Around 4 am my partner got these phantom notifications of old text messages from August between her and her work bestie. They somewhat pertained to a uniform budget but also venting about another coworker. When she clicked on them they went nowhere and was only able to see them when she checked notification history. She uses her personal cellphone that was loaded with some kind of company software that created a secondary profile for work apps and such. Nothing in the privacy policy addresses personal cell phones in this manner. She was emailed earlier this morning about this uniform budget by the HR/IT person. Very strange if this is a coincidence. But if its not, A. Can employer…

My partner works in a small office for the US branch of a company. The office hierarchy is a bit screwey and most people have 2+ roles. I.e. HR is also IT. Around 4 am my partner got these phantom notifications of old text messages from August between her and her work bestie. They somewhat pertained to a uniform budget but also venting about another coworker. When she clicked on them they went nowhere and was only able to see them when she checked notification history. She uses her personal cellphone that was loaded with some kind of company software that created a secondary profile for work apps and such. Nothing in the privacy policy addresses personal cell phones in this manner. She was emailed earlier this morning about this uniform budget by the HR/IT person. Very strange if this is a coincidence. But if its not, A. Can employer pull personal text messages thru these monitoring apps? B. Is it legal? If not, whats the recourse?

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