
Work problem surfaces

I (33F)work at a pizzeria in which I started off as a driver, but made my way to the kitchen. I have been trained in three positions at my job. The third being a server. Lately, it has been super slow at work and we don’t make enough to match up with labor. So the managers started cutting people. I volunteered to help as a driver for the possibility of more hours, but I was part of the group of people constantly getting cut. This started to annoy me because I am “full time” but work less hours than full time requirements and less hours than three of the part-timers who work in the kitchen. What really started to bother me was that one of those insiders is brothers with one of the managers, and the other two are his friends. This manager would call one of them on their…

I (33F)work at a pizzeria in which I started off as a driver, but made my way to the kitchen. I have been trained in three positions at my job. The third being a server.

Lately, it has been super slow at work and we don’t make enough to match up with labor. So the managers started cutting people. I volunteered to help as a driver for the possibility of more hours, but I was part of the group of people constantly getting cut. This started to annoy me because I am “full time” but work less hours than full time requirements and less hours than three of the part-timers who work in the kitchen.

What really started to bother me was that one of those insiders is brothers with one of the managers, and the other two are his friends. This manager would call one of them on their day off to come into work, and replace someone who is already at work for no reason. I was one of those people getting replaced every week or called to stay home because one of them would take over.

Eventually I got tired of it and knew my GM would not listen to what I had to say, so I went to HR. Turns out me going to HR opened up a lot of cans and it was finally caught on to what has been going on. Now that it is out in the open this manager has been super mad. Last week his brother and one of his friends were told to stay home due to labor and he was super pissed off about it.

I am just done with all this BS, so I have been looking for a new job and decided to become a registered behavioral tech. I am on my junior year of college but I am so done with everything there that it’s not worth staying there. I stayed for the flexibility more than for the pay because of school and my kids. I will be getting my BA in psychology but plan to get my masters after that. So I still have a few years till my planned career is set.

Needed to vent and get other peoples views because it has been awkward going to work lately.

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