
Work put me and co workers on performance management to force us out.

2 months of it. Each week we have our meetings and they nitpick small issues which they use to show we're not improving. But these mistakes are mostly due to external issues from people we work with. Poor communication from management and some rubbish lies they make up to make it seem like some mistakes are our fault. We was all put on this around the same time rumours of the department wanting to cut hours so won't be enough hours for the 4 of us I've calculated.

2 months of it. Each week we have our meetings and they nitpick small issues which they use to show we're not improving. But these mistakes are mostly due to external issues from people we work with. Poor communication from management and some rubbish lies they make up to make it seem like some mistakes are our fault.

We was all put on this around the same time rumours of the department wanting to cut hours so won't be enough hours for the 4 of us I've calculated.

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