
Work related pain?

So I just started a new job, still in new hire period time (3 months). And in the third week, suddenly I had an intense pain in my shoulder/pain I never felt before. After going to physician and doing x-ray apparently it's because of my job nature task (repative hand movments), and probably TOS. They refused my physician accomindations, and said all they can give is 5 min break every hour, that sound good for me.. but I'm not sure if it will make any difference tbh, because I already go to bathroom a lot (sometimes just to take rest from pain) and it's still there/I take medication for it. I work so slow since third week, and they don't like that.. and I'm more slower now as the pain is getting worse! I'm so torn, I don't know what to do.

So I just started a new job, still in new hire period time (3 months). And in the third week, suddenly I had an intense pain in my shoulder/pain I never felt before.
After going to physician and doing x-ray apparently it's because of my job nature task (repative hand movments), and probably TOS.

They refused my physician accomindations, and said all they can give is 5 min break every hour, that sound good for me.. but I'm not sure if it will make any difference tbh, because I already go to bathroom a lot (sometimes just to take rest from pain) and it's still there/I take medication for it.

I work so slow since third week, and they don't like that.. and I'm more slower now as the pain is getting worse!

I'm so torn, I don't know what to do.

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