
Work remote

Does anybody have any work from home jobs that they know about or ways to make decent money online? I'm even willing to sit with my laptop and do surveys all day long but if they're surveys that pay more than $ .50 per survey. Long story short I'm not working because I had a back injury “not work related” and bills are piling up and I'm starting to stress out and this back injury has cause it to where I can't even stand more than 5 minutes. It's been forever since I even went into a store everything I get now is through online and delivery it socks. I just want to get some remote work with benefits so I can work without furthering the injury and also be able to see a specialist.

Does anybody have any work from home jobs that they know about or ways to make decent money online? I'm even willing to sit with my laptop and do surveys all day long but if they're surveys that pay more than $ .50 per survey. Long story short I'm not working because I had a back injury “not work related” and bills are piling up and I'm starting to stress out and this back injury has cause it to where I can't even stand more than 5 minutes. It's been forever since I even went into a store everything I get now is through online and delivery it socks. I just want to get some remote work with benefits so I can work without furthering the injury and also be able to see a specialist.

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