
work two jobs or give up completely??

Wanna start off by saying this is a rant of sorts. ​ My finances have been less than great lately, and because of some mental health issues I've had, I missed work and got behind. I'm still behind. I work full time and I actually get paid a decent wage.. ​ But I'm never able to pay all of my bills, and I'm perpetually behind. I haven't been able to buy groceries in I don't know how long. I keep losing weight, because I'm only able to eat a real meal once or twice a week. I donate plasma on my days off for extra money, but if I lose a few more pounds I'll no longer be eligible to do that. I normally eat on those days to make sure my protein level is high enough. I steal food from work as much as I can so I can…

Wanna start off by saying this is a rant of sorts.

My finances have been less than great lately, and because of some mental health issues I've had, I missed work and got behind. I'm still behind. I work full time and I actually get paid a decent wage..

But I'm never able to pay all of my bills, and I'm perpetually behind. I haven't been able to buy groceries in I don't know how long. I keep losing weight, because I'm only able to eat a real meal once or twice a week. I donate plasma on my days off for extra money, but if I lose a few more pounds I'll no longer be eligible to do that. I normally eat on those days to make sure my protein level is high enough. I steal food from work as much as I can so I can eat, but I'm literally risking my job every time.

I'm worn out. I've got to get out of this situation, and I'm considering getting another job and working 2 jobs to do this. (I currently work night shift.) But I'm already so tired, I don't know if I can do it. I'm thinking about just giving up on life. I've sacrificed so much. Free time, hobbies, any and all non necessities, necessities, food, my mental health. All for money, and I DON'T EVEN HAVE ANY MONEY. I'm negative in my accounts days after payday. What kind of life is this? If I'm already sacrificing all the tiny good things in life, what more do I have to lose? What's the point?

I think I'm going to try working 2 jobs, one in the morning and one at night. And if that doesn't help. I give up.

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