
Work won’t fire incompetent co-worker

I have a co-worker who is mind numbingly incompetent but management hasn't done anything about it for the 8-12 years he has been with the company. 1). Spends hours doing “paperwork” that takes anyone else 30 minutes to complete. 2). Asks co-workers who have been there a much shorter time than him basic questions that he should definitely know the answer to. 3). Gets super grumpy anytime he has to move from his chair to do something (this isn't a desk job and the job description is clear that it requires physical movement). 4). Misses more time than anyone else in the company. Last call out was literally for “I got a free play at the casino”. 5). Tries to sabotage the training of new employees by giving them misinformation about how to do basic tasks. 6). Has been known to fall asleep in his chair. 7). Either freaks out…

I have a co-worker who is mind numbingly incompetent but management hasn't done anything about it for the 8-12 years he has been with the company.

1). Spends hours doing “paperwork” that takes anyone else 30 minutes to complete.

2). Asks co-workers who have been there a much shorter time than him basic questions that he should definitely know the answer to.

3). Gets super grumpy anytime he has to move from his chair to do something (this isn't a desk job and the job description is clear that it requires physical movement).

4). Misses more time than anyone else in the company. Last call out was literally for “I got a free play at the casino”.

5). Tries to sabotage the training of new employees by giving them misinformation about how to do basic tasks.

6). Has been known to fall asleep in his chair.

7). Either freaks out of disappears when shit hits the fan.

8). Has gotten frustrated with basic tasks that everyone else does and refuses to do them.

But yes, tell me capitalism is the most efficient system when someone is able to do less than the bare minimum for around a decade and make the rest of the employees pick up the slack.

The reason I haven't left is the schedule: 4 10hr shifts with a guaranteed 3 days off a week (no mandatory OT). I could never work a 9-5 job.

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