
Worked at Gucci, it was hell

I was a “luxury sales associate” at Gucci. I’ll list all the reasons it was ass: poor hourly wage (decent commission if you can make sales and 50% off which is cool but when you consider what you’re making each check and when you consider a Gucci tshirt is $2500 minimum, it’s laughable) the management at my store was fucking insane (petty, rude, mean girl energy. The luxury fashion stereotype. One manager told me not to get chicken for lunch because “fat girls…ew.” The head store manager (like the main boss of the store) would tell alllll the other employees how bad of a salesperson I was and how they were trying to find a way to get me fired??? Lmfao (don’t threaten me with a good time). the store manager was also a vile human. Made awful gay jokes and ableist jokes and insulted peoples physical appearance. we were…

I was a “luxury sales associate” at Gucci. I’ll list all the reasons it was ass:

  • poor hourly wage (decent commission if you can make sales and 50% off which is cool but when you consider what you’re making each check and when you consider a Gucci tshirt is $2500 minimum, it’s laughable)
  • the management at my store was fucking insane (petty, rude, mean girl energy. The luxury fashion stereotype. One manager told me not to get chicken for lunch because “fat girls…ew.” The head store manager (like the main boss of the store) would tell alllll the other employees how bad of a salesperson I was and how they were trying to find a way to get me fired??? Lmfao (don’t threaten me with a good time).
  • the store manager was also a vile human. Made awful gay jokes and ableist jokes and insulted peoples physical appearance.
  • we were essentially taught to judge a book by its cover. They treated Mexican and African shoppers differently
  • I had to wear a super lame suit and GLOVES if I wanted to touch a bag. You never touch a bag without gloves on.
  • I had to be a peasant. Put shoes on their feet for them. Be talked to like garbage. Pour them champagne. Basically live up the customers ass if I thought they would purchase.
  • it was such a hostile, cold, depressing and frankly scary environment to work in. I dreaded going to work.

ONE DAY, I looked at my best friend / roommate and said “I’m calling out and not going back.” I had no plan and and no savings and I still never felt more free than this day. I had her call them for me and say “she had a mental break and can’t come to work ever again” lmao.

My manager begged me to work my last two weeks because they were short staffed. He said “if you don’t work your last two weeks we can’t be a positive reference for you.” And I said, “that’s okay! I don’t plan to work in retail ever again!”

When my last check was available for pickup I made my friend go grab it for me. I refused to give them the satisfaction of ever seeing my face again or getting another opportunity to disrespect me.

The other manager (that called me fat) tried ONE last time to get me to come in. They texted me “you left a pair of really nice flats in your locker! Please come get them!” Girl I said, “throw em out.”

And I have never worked retail again. My idea is to go back with $$ and as a shopper and I want one of my managers to put shoes on my feet and pour me champagne while I become the neediest customer they’ve ever had.

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