
Worked in 4 companies, THEY ALL LIE!

Is this the norm? Lying piece of turds, sales, ceo's, interviewers, everyone LIES LIES LIES ​ Company 1: O you want company car? No problem buddy, we will give you one on your first day, first we need to look in our carpark wich car is avaible,-> They where 10 guys working and the interviewer who was also my manager was very awere wich car was avaible (only 1 because 1 guy left) Company 2: O hey buddy, first 6 months you get xxxx pay, after one year you get xxxx pay and after 3 years you get xxxx pay. Never got pay increase, quit after a year Company 3: O hey buddy, you will not be doing support because we have a support teams that does all the support.-> job was 70% support LMAO Company 4: O hey buddy, if you do well you are able to work remote…

Is this the norm? Lying piece of turds, sales, ceo's, interviewers, everyone LIES LIES LIES

Company 1:

O you want company car? No problem buddy, we will give you one on your first day, first we need to look in our carpark wich car is avaible,-> They where 10 guys working and the interviewer who was also my manager was very awere wich car was avaible (only 1 because 1 guy left)

Company 2:

O hey buddy, first 6 months you get xxxx pay, after one year you get xxxx pay and after 3 years you get xxxx pay. Never got pay increase, quit after a year

Company 3:

O hey buddy, you will not be doing support because we have a support teams that does all the support.-> job was 70% support LMAO

Company 4:

O hey buddy, if you do well you are able to work remote from home 3 days per week.

After 6 months still no remote


I do not get it haha, gonna lie a shit ton on my next resume because everyone is a prik

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