
Worked many jobs liked none

To not make this post extremely long wanted to sum it up in a few words. I’ve been working since I was 15 I’m now 23 , in the past 8 years I have held over 30 jobs. I’ve tried all entry level careers and found I hate them all just some less than others. I always end up quitting because of managements bad attitudes , low respect and excessive amount of work for such low pay. Every time I think I like a job someone has to mess it up. I’m a good employee and a certified food manager . I have lots of skills in all types of jobs and every job offers me management within weeks but I always quit instead of taking the higher positions. I’m planning on starting my own form of income and just need to stay at a job to save up the…

To not make this post extremely long wanted to sum it up in a few words. I’ve been working since I was 15 I’m now 23 , in the past 8 years I have held over 30 jobs. I’ve tried all entry level careers and found I hate them all just some less than others. I always end up quitting because of managements bad attitudes , low respect and excessive amount of work for such low pay. Every time I think I like a job someone has to mess it up. I’m a good employee and a certified food manager . I have lots of skills in all types of jobs and every job offers me management within weeks but I always quit instead of taking the higher positions. I’m planning on starting my own form of income and just need to stay at a job to save up the money to invest in myself. I have been with my current company for a little while now after realizing all jobs are the same.

TLDR; I was wondering if anyone wanted any true opinions into the entry level job force. I have worked in food service , labor jobs , factories , greenhouses , welding and much more.

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