
Working and having hobbies…

Is it even possible anymore? My job demands so much. My owner even says that he controls our time off. I was literally told this to my face as a response to taking off for an event I do once a month relating to my hobby. Keep in mind, doing this hobby is the ONLY reason I am sane, as it gives me joy, and something to look forward to. One of our upper management folks saw me at this event, and realized this is why I was taking off once a month. Next thing I know, my request off were being denied and I’m being told it’s required to be preset when these events are going on. I was also told that trying to take it off anyway would result in it being denied automatically. I hate the American workforce. This job has me stressed out, my mental health…

Is it even possible anymore? My job demands so much. My owner even says that he controls our time off. I was literally told this to my face as a response to taking off for an event I do once a month relating to my hobby. Keep in mind, doing this hobby is the ONLY reason I am sane, as it gives me joy, and something to look forward to. One of our upper management folks saw me at this event, and realized this is why I was taking off once a month. Next thing I know, my request off were being denied and I’m being told it’s required to be preset when these events are going on. I was also told that trying to take it off anyway would result in it being denied automatically. I hate the American workforce. This job has me stressed out, my mental health is declining, and the only reason I’m still around is because my wife medically can’t work currently, so we are currently a 1 income household, and I’m barely holding it together. To impose on my hobby just seems like a very dystopian dictator thing to do. Ok, rant over….

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