
Working for Friend…I’m an idiot

Common Sense Told Me, My Dad told me, and you all shared 100s of stories saying this is a bad idea, BUt DoNT wORrY aLL i'M DiFfeReNt. Started Work at My Friends small Etsy shop (small storefront in a small town) making small souvenir type gifts. He is a star seller and was selling a ton a month, Couldn't find reliable help (missed red flag) and was struggling to keep up with shipping…So I step in and take off like a rocket. I make the knick knacks quick, pack them, stock the store and clean up. I'm getting paid $15 an hour (McDonald's pays same in my area) and he always talks about getting health insurance and giving pay raises ((talks about)). He's been pissing me off with snide comments the last few days about working too slow (even though we are one week ahead on orders). Final straw came…

Common Sense Told Me, My Dad told me, and you all shared 100s of stories saying this is a bad idea, BUt DoNT wORrY aLL i'M DiFfeReNt.
Started Work at My Friends small Etsy shop (small storefront in a small town) making small souvenir type gifts. He is a star seller and was selling a ton a month, Couldn't find reliable help (missed red flag) and was struggling to keep up with shipping…So I step in and take off like a rocket. I make the knick knacks quick, pack them, stock the store and clean up. I'm getting paid $15 an hour (McDonald's pays same in my area) and he always talks about getting health insurance and giving pay raises ((talks about)).
He's been pissing me off with snide comments the last few days about working too slow (even though we are one week ahead on orders). Final straw came yesterday. He told me I really needed to pick up the pace and that he was able to send out twice as many orders by himself….Bull F'in Shit…we doubled our production and he was the one who told that a month ago before the GreedVirus kicked in. I dropped what I was doing and left. He's called non stop and his wife. It sucks because outside of this we were close friends on hobbies and sports since high school. Don't work for Family Friends, as usual or most likely you get burned.

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