
Working hard does not pay!

Yesterday I was supposed to have a meeting with the regional manager in order to get a promotion at work. (For context, I live in the Netherlands.) I work as a hotel housekeeper when the shift leader announced she's leaving, she urged me to apply for her job because I'm the best of the team and have been working my ass off, so I did. I spent over €65 I couldn't really miss to get to the main office for the initial interview. Everything went great and they said I was 85% sure of the job. I only needed to have a second interview with the regional manager. So yesterday I had that meeting and the RM asked me to tell him a bit about myself only to cut me off half-sentence to say “Yeah, I'm gonna interrupt here and just say that it's not gonna work out.”The reason? Too…

Yesterday I was supposed to have a meeting with the regional manager in order to get a promotion at work. (For context, I live in the Netherlands.) I work as a hotel housekeeper when the shift leader announced she's leaving, she urged me to apply for her job because I'm the best of the team and have been working my ass off, so I did. I spent over €65 I couldn't really miss to get to the main office for the initial interview. Everything went great and they said I was 85% sure of the job. I only needed to have a second interview with the regional manager.

So yesterday I had that meeting and the RM asked me to tell him a bit about myself only to cut me off half-sentence to say “Yeah, I'm gonna interrupt here and just say that it's not gonna work out.”The reason? Too many sick days. 4 sick days over the span of almost 6 months was just “way too much” apparently. He also said I lacked “relevant experience” despite having done the exact job when the current shift leader wasn't in. I literally did the exact job I wanted to do countless times over the last year and a half! What do you mean no relevant experience?!

I had such high hopes… Everyone said this was basically a done deal. Everyone was excited for me to get that job. Only to have it snatched at the last second over bullshit reasons. But the RM did emphasize that I'm “doing a great job” that “they're super happy and lucky to have me” and to “keep up the good work” with the most smarmy shit-eating grin on his fucking face.

I'm just tired. Everything is more expensive than ever and I make maybe €1500 a month at best. I got paid a week ago and all but €30 is already gone to rent, bills, and groceries. I really could have used that raise, it would have changed my fucking life, but no, nothing can ever work out for me.

I'll be working myself to death for minimum wage until the day I die. I'm already 32 and I'm getting nowhere. Every place I worked for screws me over when it's time for me to rank up. I don't know how much of this I'm able to take. Everyone in my life is going places and achieving things and I'm still in the exact same place I was 10 years ago. I can't afford anything that isn't utilities and (low quality) food. What's the fucking point anymore…

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