
Working hard, or hardly working?

So I’ve been at my job for almost 5 years, I’ve worked my way up, I worked my ass off, I remember even two years ago working overtime and not getting paid because our unit was under a lot of stress and a lot of transition.(I was doing my boss’s job and the jobs of three employees while also in grad school) I’m in a great position right now, but I just have no motivation. At this point I literally work maybe 7 hrs a week.. if that sometimes. Don’t get me wrong, there are weeks where I do a lot, but recently I’ve been doing the bare minimum, but from the outside looking in, it doesn’t seem like I’m doing the bare minimum, I’ve perfected, the “working hard” but I’m definitely hardly working, I think this also may have to do with how hard I used to work for…

So I’ve been at my job for almost 5 years, I’ve worked my way up, I worked my ass off, I remember even two years ago working overtime and not getting paid because our unit was under a lot of stress and a lot of transition.(I was doing my boss’s job and the jobs of three employees while also in grad school) I’m in a great position right now, but I just have no motivation.

At this point I literally work maybe 7 hrs a week.. if that sometimes. Don’t get me wrong, there are weeks where I do a lot, but recently I’ve been doing the bare minimum, but from the outside looking in, it doesn’t seem like I’m doing the bare minimum, I’ve perfected, the “working hard” but I’m definitely hardly working, I think this also may have to do with how hard I used to work for them so maybe they assume I just work hard. (Also our work is very independent, so no one is looking over my shoulder)

I’m not behind on any deadlines, I’m honestly just chilling. But the reason I’m making this post is because I feel so guilty for it.

Anyone have similar stories of them doing the “bare minimum” but everyone thinks your just top shit. Lol

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